tight binding studio

Please take a look at the readme to see what features are added in latest version.

Debian: Ubuntu, Mint

tpstudio-1.5.3-amd64.deb (Compatible with Ubuntu 20.04)

tpstudio-1.5.3-amd64.deb (Compatible with Ubuntu 18.04)

RPM: Fedora, openSuse

tbstudio-1.5.3.fc30.x86_64.rpm (Compatible with Fedora 30 Workstation)



Installaion in windows:

  1. Extract TBStudio-1.5.3-win-64bit.zip
  2. Double click on TBStudio.exe


TBStudio-1.5.3-64bit.app.tar.gz (Tested in MacOS Mojave)

Installaion in MacOS:

  1. Double click on TBStudio-1.5.3-64bit.app.tar.gz to extract the app
  2. Drag and drop the TBStudio app into Applications folder located in the left toolbar.

Note: Previously, we had provided the download link in SourceForge site. Now it has been removed.


Any other OS


One can install docker on any operating system.

  1. Install the image file using this command
  • sudo docker load -i tbstudio_latest.tar.gz
  1. To run tbstudio you can run the following commands
  • xhost +
  • sudo docker run --rm --name tbstudio-1.5.3 -v /home/tbstudio:/home/tbstudio -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --net=host -e UID=$UID tbstudio